This website is class 8 to 12.All information related to mathematics and science is available on this website. "Teaching is the art of changing the brain" By-SUMAN SIR


Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 31, 2021


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 - Introduction to Euclid's Geometry
If you love numbers & have a deep interest in statistics, then Mathematics is probably one of the scoring subject ever. A Class 9th CBSE Mathematics is one of the challenging subject one can undergo as, it involves a lot of crunching of complex numbers, geometrical formulae, diagrams & much more. Hence, to simplify the mathematical complexity,, has framed a customise solution that involves Test preparation notes, Textbook solutions & several other study material that help the student to memorise the concepts quickly. We have bifurcated our CBSE Class 9 Study Material (Solution) into 3 Different parts namely: 

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry are provided here for the students to refer. Euclid’s Geometry is a fundamental concept that forms the basis for much more advanced topics. Therefore, one of the guides to help you understand this concept is NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 – Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry. It is designed by knowledgeable teachers with years of relevant experience. NCERT Solutions is one of the best guides you could adapt for your study needs.
NCERT Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 – Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
Exercise 5.1 Page: 85
1. Which of the following statements are true and which are false? Give reasons for your answers.

(i) Only one line can pass through a single point.

(ii) There are an infinite number of lines which pass through two distinct points.

(iii) A terminated line can be produced indefinitely on both the sides.

(iv) If two circles are equal, then their radii are equal.

(v) In Fig. 5.9, if AB = PQ and PQ = XY, then AB = XY.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 5-1


(i) False

There can be infinite number of lines that can be drawn through a single point. Hence, the statement mentioned is False

(ii) False

Through two distinct points there can be only one line that can be drawn. Hence, the statement mentioned is False

(iii) True

A line that is terminated can be indefinitely produced on both sides as a line can be extended on both its sides infinitely. Hence, the statement mentioned is True.

(iv) True

The radii of two circles are equal when the two circles are equal. The circumference and the centre of both the circles coincide; and thus, the radius of the two circles should be equal. Hence, the statement mentioned is True.

(v) True

According to Euclid’s 1st axiom- “Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another”. Hence, the statement mentioned is True.

2. Give a definition for each of the following terms. Are there other terms that need to be defined first? What are they, and how might you define them?

(i) parallel lines

(ii) perpendicular lines

(iii) line segment
(iv) radius of a circle

(v) square


Yes, there are other terms which need to be defined first, they are:

Plane: Flat surfaces in which geometric figures can be drawn are known are plane. A plane surface is a surface which lies evenly with the straight lines on itself.

Point: A dimensionless dot which is drawn on a plane surface is known as point. A point is that which has no part.

Line: A collection of points that has only length and no breadth is known as a line. And it can be extended on both directions. A line is breadth-less length.

(i) Parallel lines – Parallel lines are those lines which never intersect each other and are always at a constant distance perpendicular to each other. Parallel lines can be two or more lines.

(ii) Perpendicular lines – Perpendicular lines are those lines which intersect each other in a plane at right angles then the lines are said to be perpendicular to each other.

(iii) Line Segment – When a line cannot be extended any further because of its two end points then the line is known as a line segment. A line segment has 2 end points.

(iv) Radius of circle – A radius of a circle is the line from any point on the circumference of the circle to the center of the circle.

(v) Square – A quadrilateral in which all the four sides are said to be equal and each of its internal angle is right angles is called square.

3. Consider two ‘postulates’ given below:

(i) Given any two distinct points A and B, there exists a third point C which is in between A and B.

(ii) There exist at least three points that are not on the same line.

Do these postulates contain any undefined terms? Are these postulates consistent? Do they follow from Euclid’s postulates? Explain.


Yes, these postulates contain undefined terms. Undefined terms in the postulates are:

– There are many points that lie in a plane. But, in the postulates given here, the position of the point C is not given, as of whether it lies on the line segment joining AB or not.

– On top of that, there is no information about whether the points are in same plane or not.


Yes, these postulates are consistent when we deal with these two situations:

– Point C is lying on the line segment AB in between A and B.

– Point C does not lie on the line segment AB.

No, they don’t follow from Euclid’s postulates. They follow the axioms.

4. If a point C lies between two points A and B such that AC = BC, then prove that AC = ½ AB. Explain by drawing the figure.


Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 5-2

Given that, AC = BC

Now, adding AC both sides.




We know that, BC+AC = AB (as it coincides with line segment AB)

∴ 2 AC = AB (If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.)

⇒ AC = (½)AB.

5. In Question 4, point C is called a mid-point of line segment AB. Prove that every line segment has one and only one mid-point.


Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 5-3

Let, AB be the line segment

Assume that points P and Q are the two different mid points of AB.


∴ P and Q are midpoints of AB.


AP = PB and AQ = QB.


PB+AP = AB (as it coincides with line segment AB)

Similarly, QB+AQ = AB.


Adding AP to the L.H.S and R.H.S of the equation AP = PB

We get, AP+AP = PB+AP (If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.)

⇒ 2AP = AB — (i)


2 AQ = AB — (ii)

From (i) and (ii), Since R.H.S are same, we equate the L.H.S

2 AP = 2 AQ (Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another.)

⇒ AP = AQ (Things which are double of the same things are equal to one another.)

Thus, we conclude that P and Q are the same points.

This contradicts our assumption that P and Q are two different mid points of AB.

Thus, it is proved that every line segment has one and only one mid-point.

Hence Proved.

6. In Fig. 5.10, if AC = BD, then prove that AB = CD.


Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 5-4

It is given, AC = BD

From the given figure, we get,



⇒ AB+BC = BC+CD [AC = BD, given]

We know that, according to Euclid’s axiom, when equals are subtracted from equals, remainders are also equal.

Subtracting BC from the L.H.S and R.H.S of the equation AB+BC = BC+CD, we get,



Hence Proved.

7. Why is Axiom 5, in the list of Euclid’s axioms, considered a ‘universal truth’? (Note that the question is not about the fifth postulate.)


Axiom 5: The whole is always greater than the part.

For Example: A cake. When it is whole or complete, assume that it measures 2 pounds but when a part from it is taken out and measured, its weigh will be smaller than the previous measurement. So, the fifth axiom of Euclid is true for all the materials in the universe. Hence, Axiom 5, in the list of Euclid’s axioms, is considered a ‘universal truth.

Exercise 5.2 Page: 88
1. How would you rewrite Euclid’s fifth postulate so that it would be easier to understand?


Euclid’s fifth postulate: If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side of it taken together less than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which the sum of angles is less than two right angles.

i.e., the Euclid’s fifth postulate is about parallel lines.

Parallel lines are the lines which do not intersect each other ever and are always at a constant perpendicular distance apart from each other. Parallel lines can be two or more lines.

A: If X does not lie on the line A then we can draw a line through X which will be parallel to that of the line A.

B: There can be only one line that can be drawn through the point X which is parallel to the line A.

2. Does Euclid’s fifth postulate imply the existence of parallel lines? Explain.


Yes, Euclid’s fifth postulate does imply the existence of the parallel lines.

If the sum of the interior angles is equal to the sum of the right angles, then the two lines will not meet each other at any given point, hence making them parallel to each other.

Ncert solutions class 9 chapter 5-5

∠1+∠3 = 180o

Or ∠3+∠4 = 180o

Also Access 
NCERT Exemplar for class 9 Maths Chapter 5
CBSE Notes for class 9 Maths Chapter 5
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry belongs to Unit 4: Geometry. This particular unit carries 28 marks out of 100. Therefore, it is quite important to ensure that this chapter is studied thoroughly. The important topics that are covered under this chapter are:

Euclid’s Definitions
Axioms and Postulates
Euclidean Geometry is a system introduced by the Alexandrian-Greek Mathematician Euclid around 300 BC. More than 2,000 years later, the contributions of Euclid still remain valid. It has practical applications in several fields, ranging from engineering to theoretical physics. It even has academic significance and implications in various disciplines of mathematics and science.

Explore how Euclidean Geometry works and discover the various theorems. Find more important NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Maths to help you practise.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
Elaborate and detailed content
Formulas are highlighted
Explanations are presented in an easy-to-understand language
Designed by qualified teachers
Includes latest questions from the prescribed syllabus
Extensive analysis of previous year question papers
Explore additional learning resources such as sample papers and more
Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5
Is NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 suitable for CBSE students?
NCERT Solutions have been prescribed for years as a complete source of information to CBSE students, to develop their analytical skills. They have proven to be essential for learning the syllabus and developing the confidence that is required to face their exams. The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 explain the steps with precision, without missing out on essential aspects of solving a question.
Where can I download NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5?
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 Statistics are provided in https://successallinall.blogspot.comwebsite, which is considered to be one of the most important study materials for students studying in Class 9. The solutions provided by suman sir are formulated in such a way that every step is explained clearly and in detail. The Solutions for Class 9 Maths NCERT are prepared by the subject experts to help students in their board exam preparation. It is very important for the students to get well versed with these solutions to get a good score in the Class 9 examination.
What is the meaning of Euclidean geometry according to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5?
Euclidean geometry is the study of geometrical shapes and figures based on different axioms and theorems. It is basically introduced for flat surfaces. It is better explained especially for the shapes of geometrical figures and planes. By referring to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 students can score well in exams.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Maths Chapters

Saturday, January 30, 2021

January 30, 2021


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 3 Coordinate Geometry are useful for students as it helps them to score well in the class exams. We, in our aim to help students, have devised detailed chapter wise solutions for the students to understand the concepts easily. The NCERT Solutions contain detailed steps explaining all the problems that come under the chapter 3 “Coordinate Geometry” of the Class 9 NCERT Textbook. We have followed the latest Syllabus, while creating the NCERT solutions and they are framed in accordance with the exam pattern of the CBSE Board.

These solutions are designed by subject matter experts who have assembled model questions covering all the exercise questions from the textbook. By solving questions from this NCERT Solutions for Class 9, students will be able to clear all their concepts about “Coordinate Geometry.” Apart from this, other resources used to help students to prepare for the exams and score good marks include the NCERT notes, sample papers, textbooks, previous year papers, exemplar questions and so on.

Some formulae.  




 Time to call 10:00am to 12:00pm

Thursday, November 26, 2020

November 26, 2020

What is motion for 9th class?

What is motion for 9th class?

Movement of any object from one position to another position with respect to the observer is called as Motion. Motion Along a Straight Line: When an object moves along a straight line, the motion of the object is called rectilinear motion. For example; motion of a car on highway.

This PDF is created by SUMAN SIR

How many types of motion are there in class 9?

According to the nature of the movement, motion is classified into three types as follows: Linear Motion. Rotary Motion. Oscillatory Motion.

In order to easily illustrate concerns and concepts, NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 8 Motion is intended. Class 9 science solutions are a helpful guide and guiding solution that allows students to explain concerns instantly and effectively.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science addresses learners in a student-friendly manner and is full of board-oriented and competitive exam-oriented questions, tasks, and exercises. The contribution made by the faculty with comprehensive teaching experience is NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Research. It is built with the concept-based approach in mind along with the precise method of answering for examinations. For best scores for board and competitive tests, refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 9. It is a comprehensive and well-structured approach for the concept-based learning experience to have a firm grip. For ease of access, NCERT for Class 9 Science Solutions is available in both Web and PDF formats.

Themes and Sub-Topics in Science Class 9 Chapter 8 Motion: 


•To Define Motion 

•Measuring Motion Rate 

•Level of Velocity Shift 

•Graphical Motion Representation 

•Motion Equations by Graphical Form 

•CircularUniform Motion 

These solutions are part of Class 9 Science's NCERT Solutions. We have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 8 Motion Science here.

  Here is a PDF of motion chapter

The subject experts prepare these chapter notes and cover any significant topic in the chapter. From the discussed set of subjects, you can try the questions asked at the end of the notes. These questions will help you to control your level of preparation and get a grip on the subject.




 Time to call 10:00am to 12:00pm

Saturday, October 17, 2020

October 17, 2020


NCERT Solutions Class 9 Maths Chapter 2 Polynomials are provided here. These NCERT solutions are created by SUMAN SIR to help students in the preparation of their board exams. These expert faculties solve and provide the NCERT Solution for class 9 so that it would help students to solve the problems comfortably. They give a detailed and stepwise explanation of each answer to the problems given in the exercises in the NCERT textbook for class 9.

In CBSE class 9 Polynomials chapter, students are introduced to a lot of important topics which will be helpful for those who wish to pursue mathematics as a subject in further classes. Based on these NCERT solutions. These solutions help students to prepare for their upcoming Board Exams by covering the whole the syllabus which follows NCERT guidelines.




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Exercise 2.1 Page: 32

1. Which of the following expressions are polynomials in one variable and which are not? State reasons for your answer.

(i) 4x2–3x+7


The equation 4x2–3x+7 can be written as 4x2–3x1+7x0

Since x is the only variable in the given equation and the powers of x (i.e., 2, 1 and 0) are whole numbers, we can say that the expression 4x2–3x+7 is a polynomial in one variable.

(ii) y2+√2


The equation y2+√2 can be written as y2+2y0

Since y is the only variable in the given equation and the powers of y (i.e., 2 and 0) are whole numbers, we can say that the expression y2+2 is a polynomial in one variable.

(iii) 3√t+t√2


The equation 3√t+t√2 can be written as 3t1/2+√2t

Though, t is the only variable in the given equation, the powers of t (i.e.,1/2) is not a whole number. Hence, we can say that the expression 3√t+t√2 is not a polynomial in one variable.

(iv) y+2/y


The equation y+2/y an be written as y+2y-1

Though, is the only variable in the given equation, the powers of y (i.e.,-1) is not a whole number. Hence, we can say that the expression y+2/y is not a polynomial in one variable.

(v) x10+y3+t50


Here, in the equation x10+y3+t50

Though, the powers, 10, 3, 50, are whole numbers, there are 3 variables used in the expression

x10+y3+t50. Hence, it is not a polynomial in one variable.

2. Write the coefficients of x2 in each of the following:

(i) 2+x2+x


The equation 2+x2+x can be written as 2+(1)x2+x

We know that, coefficient is the number which multiplies the variable.

Here, the number that multiplies the variable x2 is 1

, the coefficients of xin 2+x2+x is 1.

(ii) 2–x2+x3


The equation 2–x2+xcan be written as 2+(–1)x2+x3

We know that, coefficient is the number (along with its sign, i.e., – or +) which multiplies the variable.

Here, the number that multiplies the variable x2 is -1

the coefficients of xin 2–x2+xis -1.

(iii) (/2)x2+x


The equation (/2)x+x can be written as (/2)x2 + x

We know that, coefficient is the number (along with its sign, i.e., – or +) which multiplies the variable.

Here, the number that multiplies the variable x2 is /2.

the coefficients of xin (/2)x+x is /2.



The equation √2x-1 can be written as 0x2+√2x-1 [Since 0x2 is 0]

We know that, coefficient is the number (along with its sign, i.e., – or +) which multiplies the variable.

Here, the number that multiplies the variable x2is 0

, the coefficients of xin √2x-1 is 0.

3. Give one example each of a binomial of degree 35, and of a monomial of degree 100.


Binomial of degree 35: A polynomial having two terms and the highest degree 35 is called a binomial of degree 35

Eg.,  3x35+5

Monomial of degree 100: A polynomial having one term and the highest degree 100 is called a monomial of degree 100

Eg.,  4x100

4. Write the degree of each of the following polynomials:

(i) 5x3+4x2+7x


The highest power of the variable in a polynomial is the degree of the polynomial.

Here, 5x3+4x2+7x = 5x3+4x2+7x1

The powers of the variable x are: 3, 2, 1

the degree of 5x3+4x2+7x is 3 as 3 is the highest power of x in the equation.

(ii) 4–y2


The highest power of the variable in a polynomial is the degree of the polynomial.

Here, in 4–y2,

The power of the variable y is 2

the degree of 4–y2 is 2 as 2 is the highest power of y in the equation.

(iii) 5t–√7


The highest power of the variable in a polynomial is the degree of the polynomial.

Here, in 5t–√7 ,

The power of the variable t is: 1

the degree of 5t–√7 is 1 as 1 is the highest power of y in the equation.

(iv) 3


The highest power of the variable in a polynomial is the degree of the polynomial.

Here, 3 = 3×1 = 3× x0

The power of the variable here is: 0

the degree of 3 is 0.

5. Classify the following as linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials:


We know that,

Linear polynomial: A polynomial of degree one is called a linear polynomial.

Quadratic polynomial: A polynomial of degree two is called a quadratic polynomial.

Cubic polynomial: A polynomial of degree three is called a cubic polynomial.

(i) x2+x


The highest power of x2+x is 2

the degree is 2

Hence, x2+x is a quadratic polynomial

(ii) x–x3


The highest power of x–xis 3

the degree is 3

Hence, x–x3 is a cubic polynomial

(iii) y+y2+4


The highest power of y+y2+4 is 2

the degree is 2

Hence, y+y2+4is a quadratic polynomial

(iv) 1+x


The highest power of 1+x is 1

the degree is 1

Hence, 1+x is a linear polynomial.

(v) 3t


The highest power of 3t is 1

the degree is 1

Hence, 3t is a linear polynomial.

(vi) r2


The highest power of ris 2

the degree is 2

Hence, r2is a quadratic polynomial.

(vii) 7x3


The highest power of 7xis 3

the degree is 3

Hence, 7x3 is a cubic polynomial.

Exercise 2.2 Page: 34

1. Find the value of the polynomial (x)=5x−4x2+3 

(i) x = 0

(ii) x = – 1

(iii) x = 2


Let f(x) = 5x−4x2+3

(i) When x = 0

f(0) = 5(0)-4(0)2+3

= 3

(ii) When x = -1

f(x) = 5x−4x2+3

f(−1) = 5(−1)−4(−1)2+3

= −5–4+3

= −6

(iii) When x = 2

f(x) = 5x−4x2+3

f(2) = 5(2)−4(2)2+3

= 10–16+3

= −3

2. Find p(0), p(1) and p(2) for each of the following polynomials:

(i) p(y)=y2−y+1


p(y) = y2–y+1

∴p(0) = (0)2−(0)+1=1

p(1) = (1)2–(1)+1=1

p(2) = (2)2–(2)+1=3

(ii) p(t)=2+t+2t2−t3


p(t) = 2+t+2t2−t3

∴p(0) = 2+0+2(0)2–(0)3=2

p(1) = 2+1+2(1)2–(1)3=2+1+2–1=4

p(2) = 2+2+2(2)2–(2)3=2+2+8–8=4

(iii) p(x)=x3


p(x) = x3

∴p(0) = (0)= 0

p(1) = (1)= 1

p(2) = (2)= 8

(iv) P(x) = (x−1)(x+1)


p(x) = (x–1)(x+1)

∴p(0) = (0–1)(0+1) = (−1)(1) = –1

p(1) = (1–1)(1+1) = 0(2) = 0

p(2) = (2–1)(2+1) = 1(3) = 3

3. Verify whether the following are zeroes of the polynomial, indicated against them.

(i) p(x)=3x+1, x=−1/3


For, x = -1/3, p(x) = 3x+1

∴p(−1/3) = 3(-1/3)+1 = −1+1 = 0

∴ -1/3 is a zero of p(x).

(ii) p(x)=5x–π, x = 4/5


For, x = 4/5, p(x) = 5x–π

∴ p(4/5) = 5(4/5)- = 4-

∴ 4/5 is not a zero of p(x).

(iii) p(x)=x2−1, x=1, −1


For, x = 1, −1;

p(x) = x2−1

∴p(1)=12−1=1−1 = 0

p(−1)=(-1)2−1 = 1−1 = 0

∴1, −1 are zeros of p(x).

(iv) p(x) = (x+1)(x–2), x =−1, 2


For, x = −1,2;

p(x) = (x+1)(x–2)

∴p(−1) = (−1+1)(−1–2)

= (0)(−3) = 0

p(2) = (2+1)(2–2) = (3)(0) = 0

∴−1,2 are zeros of p(x).

(v) p(x) = x2, x = 0


For, x = 0 p(x) = x2

p(0) = 0= 0

∴ 0 is a zero of p(x).

(vi) p(x) = lx+m, x = −m/l


For, x = -m/; p(x) = lx+m

∴ p(-m/l)l(-m/l)+m = −m+m = 0

∴-m/l is a zero of p(x).

(vii) p(x) = 3x2−1, x = -1/√3 , 2/√3


For, x = -1/√3 , 2/√3 ; p(x) = 3x2−1

∴p(-1/√3) = 3(-1/√3)2-1 = 3(1/3)-1 = 1-1 = 0

∴p(2/√3 ) = 3(2/√3)2-1 = 3(4/3)-1 = 4−1=3 ≠ 0

∴-1/√3 is a zero of p(x) but 2/√3  is not a zero of p(x).

(viii) p(x) =2x+1, x = 1/2


For, x = 1/2 p(x) = 2x+1

∴ p(1/2)=2(1/2)+1 = 1+1 = 2≠0

∴1/2 is not a zero of p(x).

4. Find the zero of the polynomials in each of the following cases:

(i) p(x) = x+5 


p(x) = x+5

⇒ x+5 = 0

⇒ x = −5

∴ -5 is a zero polynomial of the polynomial p(x).

(ii) p(x) = x–5


p(x) = x−5

⇒ x−5 = 0

⇒ x = 5

∴ 5 is a zero polynomial of the polynomial p(x).

(iii) p(x) = 2x+5


p(x) = 2x+5

⇒ 2x+5 = 0

⇒ 2x = −5

⇒ x = -5/2

∴x = -5/2 is a zero polynomial of the polynomial p(x).

(iv) p(x) = 3x–2 


p(x) = 3x–2

⇒ 3x−2 = 0

⇒ 3x = 2

⇒x = 2/3

∴x = 2/3  is a zero polynomial of the polynomial p(x).

(v) p(x) = 3x 


p(x) = 3x

⇒ 3x = 0

⇒ x = 0

∴0 is a zero polynomial of the polynomial p(x).

(vi) p(x) = ax, a0


p(x) = ax

⇒ ax = 0

⇒ x = 0

∴x = 0 is a zero polynomial of the polynomial p(x).

(vii)p(x) = cx+d, c ≠ 0, c, d are real numbers.


p(x) = cx + d

⇒ cx+d =0

⇒ x = -d/c

∴ x = -d/c is a zero polynomial of the polynomial p(x).

Exercise 2.3 Page: 40

1. Find the remainder when x3+3x2+3x+1 is divided by

(i) x+1


x+1= 0

⇒x = −1


p(−1) = (−1)3+3(−1)2+3(−1)+1

= −1+3−3+1

= 0

(ii) x−1/2


x-1/2 = 0

⇒ x = 1/2


p(1/2) = (1/2)3+3(1/2)2+3(1/2)+1

= (1/8)+(3/4)+(3/2)+1

= 27/8

(iii) x


x = 0


p(0) = (0)3+3(0)2+3(0)+1

= 1

(iv) x+π


x+π = 0

⇒ x = −π


p(0) = (−π)+3(−π)2+3(−π)+1

= −π3+3π2−3π+1

(v) 5+2x



⇒ 2x = −5

⇒ x = -5/2


(-5/2)3+3(-5/2)2+3(-5/2)+1 = (-125/8)+(75/4)-(15/2)+1

= -27/8

2. Find the remainder when x3−ax2+6x−a is divided by x-a.


Let p(x) = x3−ax2+6x−a

x−a = 0

∴x = a


p(a) = (a)3−a(a2)+6(a)−a

= a3−a3+6a−a = 5a

3. Check whether 7+3x is a factor of 3x3+7x.


7+3x = 0

⇒ 3x = −7

⇒ x = -7/3


3(-7/3)3+7(-7/3) = -(343/9)+(-49/3)

= (-343-(49)3)/9

= (-343-147)/9

= -490/9 ≠ 0

∴7+3x is not a factor of 3x3+7x

Exercise 2.4 Page: 43

1. Determine which of the following polynomials has (x + 1) a factor:

(i) x3+x2+x+1


Let p(x) = x3+x2+x+1

The zero of x+1 is -1. [x+1 = 0 means x = -1]

p(−1) = (−1)3+(−1)2+(−1)+1

= −1+1−1+1

= 0

∴By factor theorem, x+1 is a factor of x3+x2+x+1

(ii) x4+x3+x2+x+1


Let p(x)= x4+x3+x2+x+1

The zero of x+1 is -1. . [x+1= 0 means x = -1]

p(−1) = (−1)4+(−1)3+(−1)2+(−1)+1

= 1−1+1−1+1

= 1 ≠ 0

∴By factor theorem, x+1 is not a factor of x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1

(iii) x4+3x3+3x2+x+1 


Let p(x)= x4+3x3+3x2+x+1

The zero of x+1 is -1.



=1 ≠ 0

∴By factor theorem, x+1 is not a factor of x4+3x3+3x2+x+1

(iv) x– x2– (2+√2)x +√2


Let p(x) = x3–x2–(2+√2)x +√2

The zero of x+1 is -1.

p(−1) = (-1)3–(-1)2–(2+√2)(-1) + √2 = −1−1+2+√2+√2

= 2√2 ≠ 0

∴By factor theorem, x+1 is not a factor of x3–x2–(2+√2)x +√2

2. Use the Factor Theorem to determine whether g(x) is a factor of p(x) in each of the following cases:

(i) p(x) = 2x3+x2–2x–1, g(x) = x+1


p(x) = 2x3+x2–2x–1, g(x) = x+1

g(x) = 0

⇒ x+1 = 0

⇒ x = −1

∴Zero of g(x) is -1.


p(−1) = 2(−1)3+(−1)2–2(−1)–1

= −2+1+2−1

= 0

∴By factor theorem, g(x) is a factor of p(x).

(ii) p(x)=x3+3x2+3x+1, g(x) = x+2


p(x) = x3+3x2+3x+1, g(x) = x+2

g(x) = 0

⇒ x+2 = 0

⇒ x = −2

∴ Zero of g(x) is -2.


p(−2) = (−2)3+3(−2)2+3(−2)+1

= −8+12−6+1

= −1 ≠ 0

∴By factor theorem, g(x) is not a factor of p(x).

(iii) p(x)=x3–4x2+x+6, g(x) = x–3


p(x) = x3–4x2+x+6, g(x) = x -3

g(x) = 0

⇒ x−3 = 0

⇒ x = 3

∴ Zero of g(x) is 3.


p(3) = (3)3−4(3)2+(3)+6

= 27−36+3+6

= 0

∴By factor theorem, g(x) is a factor of p(x).

3. Find the value of k, if x–1 is a factor of p(x) in each of the following cases:

(i) p(x) = x2+x+k


If x-1 is a factor of p(x), then p(1) = 0

By Factor Theorem

⇒ (1)2+(1)+k = 0

⇒ 1+1+k = 0

⇒ 2+k = 0

⇒ k = −2

(ii) p(x) = 2x2+kx+√2


If x-1 is a factor of p(x), then p(1)=0

⇒ 2(1)2+k(1)+√2 = 0

⇒ 2+k+√2 = 0

⇒ k = −(2+√2)

(iii) p(x) = kx22x+1


If x-1 is a factor of p(x), then p(1)=0

By Factor Theorem

⇒ k(1)2-√2(1)+1=0

⇒ k = √2-1

(iv) p(x)=kx2–3x+k


If x-1 is a factor of p(x), then p(1) = 0

By Factor Theorem

⇒ k(1)2–3(1)+k = 0

⇒ k−3+k = 0

⇒ 2k−3 = 0

⇒ k= 3/2

4. Factorize:

(i) 12x2–7x+1


Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = -7 and product =1×12 = 12

We get -3 and -4 as the numbers [-3+-4=-7 and -3×-4 = 12]

12x2–7x+1= 12x2-4x-3x+1

= 4x(3x-1)-1(3x-1)

= (4x-1)(3x-1)

(ii) 2x2+7x+3


Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = 7 and product = 2×3 = 6

We get 6 and 1 as the numbers [6+1 = 7 and 6×1 = 6]

2x2+7x+3 = 2x2+6x+1x+3

= 2x (x+3)+1(x+3)

= (2x+1)(x+3)

(iii) 6x2+5x-6 


Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = 5 and product = 6×-6 = -36

We get -4 and 9 as the numbers [-4+9 = 5 and -4×9 = -36]

6x2+5x-6 = 6x2+9x–4x–6

= 3x(2x+3)–2(2x+3)

= (2x+3)(3x–2)

(iv) 3x2–x–4 


Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = -1 and product = 3×-4 = -12

We get -4 and 3 as the numbers [-4+3 = -1 and -4×3 = -12]

3x2–x–4 = 3x2–x–4

= 3x2–4x+3x–4

= x(3x–4)+1(3x–4)

= (3x–4)(x+1)

5. Factorize:

(i) x3–2x2–x+2


Let p(x) = x3–2x2–x+2

Factors of 2 are ±1 and ± 2

By trial method, we find that

p(1) = 0

So, (x+1) is factor of p(x)


p(x) = x3–2x2–x+2

p(−1) = (−1)3–2(−1)2–(−1)+2

= −1−1+1+2

= 0

Therefore, (x+1) is the factor of p(x)

Now, Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

(x+1)(x2–3x+2) = (x+1)(x2–x–2x+2)

= (x+1)(x(x−1)−2(x−1))

= (x+1)(x−1)(x-2)

(ii) x3–3x2–9x–5


Let p(x) = x3–3x2–9x–5

Factors of 5 are ±1 and ±5

By trial method, we find that

p(5) = 0

So, (x-5) is factor of p(x)


p(x) = x3–3x2–9x–5

p(5) = (5)3–3(5)2–9(5)–5

= 125−75−45−5

= 0

Therefore, (x-5) is the factor of  p(x)

Now, Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

(x−5)(x2+2x+1) = (x−5)(x2+x+x+1)

= (x−5)(x(x+1)+1(x+1))

= (x−5)(x+1)(x+1)

(iii) x3+13x2+32x+20


Let p(x) = x3+13x2+32x+20

Factors of 20 are ±1, ±2, ±4, ±5, ±10 and ±20

By trial method, we find that

p(-1) = 0

So, (x+1) is factor of p(x)


p(x)= x3+13x2+32x+20

p(-1) = (−1)3+13(−1)2+32(−1)+20

= −1+13−32+20

= 0

Therefore, (x+1) is the factor of p(x)

Now, Dividend = Divisor × Quotient +Remainder

(x+1)(x2+12x+20) = (x+1)(x2+2x+10x+20)

= (x−5)x(x+2)+10(x+2)

= (x−5)(x+2)(x+10)

(iv) 2y3+y2–2y–1


Let p(y) = 2y3+y2–2y–1

Factors = 2×(−1)= -2 are ±1 and ±2

By trial method, we find that

p(1) = 0

So, (y-1) is factor of p(y)


p(y) = 2y3+y2–2y–1

p(1) = 2(1)3+(1)2–2(1)–1

= 2+1−2

= 0

Therefore, (y-1) is the factor of p(y)

Now, Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder

(y−1)(2y2+3y+1) = (y−1)(2y2+2y+y+1)

= (y−1)(2y(y+1)+1(y+1))

= (y−1)(2y+1)(y+1)

Exercise 2.5 Page: 48

1. Use suitable identities to find the following products:

(i) (x+4)(x +10) 


Using the identity, (x+a)(x+b) = x 2+(a+b)x+ab

[Here, a = 4 and b = 10]

We get,

(x+4)(x+10) = x2+(4+10)x+(4×10)

= x2+14x+40

(ii) (x+8)(x –10)     


Using the identity, (x+a)(x+b) = x 2+(a+b)x+ab

[Here, a = 8 and b = −10]

We get,

(x+8)(x−10) = x2+(8+(−10))x+(8×(−10))

= x2+(8−10)x–80

= x2−2x−80

(iii) (3x+4)(3x–5)


Using the identity, (x+a)(x+b) = x 2+(a+b)x+ab

[Here, x = 3x, a = 4 and b = −5]

We get,

(3x+4)(3x−5) = (3x)2+[4+(−5)]3x+4×(−5)

= 9x2+3x(4–5)–20

= 9x2–3x–20

(iv) (y2+3/2)(y2-3/2)


Using the identity, (x+y)(x–y) = x2–y 2

[Here, x = y2and y = 3/2]

We get,

(y2+3/2)(y2–3/2) = (y2)2–(3/2)2

= y4–9/4

2. Evaluate the following products without multiplying directly:

(i) 103×107


103×107= (100+3)×(100+7)

Using identity, [(x+a)(x+b) = x2+(a+b)x+ab

Here, x = 100

a = 3

b = 7

We get, 103×107 = (100+3)×(100+7)

= (100)2+(3+7)100+(3×7))

= 10000+1000+21

= 11021

(ii) 95×96  


95×96 = (100-5)×(100-4)

Using identity, [(x-a)(x-b) = x2-(a+b)x+ab

Here, x = 100

a = -5

b = -4

We get, 95×96 = (100-5)×(100-4)

= (100)2+100(-5+(-4))+(-5×-4)

= 10000-900+20

= 9120

(iii) 104×96


104×96 = (100+4)×(100–4)

Using identity, [(a+b)(a-b)= a2-b2]

Here, a = 100

b = 4

We get, 104×96 = (100+4)×(100–4)

= (100)2–(4)2

= 10000–16

= 9984

3. Factorize the following using appropriate identities:

(i) 9x2+6xy+y2


9x2+6xy+y= (3x)2+(2×3x×y)+y2

Using identity, x2+2xy+y= (x+y)2

Here, x = 3x

y = y

9x2+6xy+y= (3x)2+(2×3x×y)+y2

= (3x+y)2

= (3x+y)(3x+y)

(ii) 4y2−4y+1


4y2−4y+1 = (2y)2–(2×2y×1)+1

Using identity, x2 – 2xy + y= (x – y)2

Here, x = 2y

y = 1

4y2−4y+1 = (2y)2–(2×2y×1)+12

= (2y–1)2

= (2y–1)(2y–1)

(iii)  x2–y2/100


x2–y2/100 = x2–(y/10)2

Using identity, x2-y= (x-y)(x+y)

Here, x = x

y = y/10

x2–y2/100 = x2–(y/10)2

= (x–y/10)(x+y/10)

4. Expand each of the following, using suitable identities:

(i) (x+2y+4z)2

(ii) (2x−y+z)2

(iii) (−2x+3y+2z)2

(iv) (3a –7b–c)2

(v) (–2x+5y–3z)2

((1/4)a-(1/2)b +1)2


(i) (x+2y+4z)2

Using identity, (x+y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

Here, x = x

y = 2y

z = 4z

(x+2y+4z)= x2+(2y)2+(4z)2+(2×x×2y)+(2×2y×4z)+(2×4z×x)

= x2+4y2+16z2+4xy+16yz+8xz

(ii) (2x−y+z)2 

Using identity, (x+y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

Here, x = 2x

y = −y

z = z

(2x−y+z)= (2x)2+(−y)2+z2+(2×2x×−y)+(2×−y×z)+(2×z×2x)

= 4x2+y2+z2–4xy–2yz+4xz

(iii) (−2x+3y+2z)2


Using identity, (x+y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

Here, x = −2x

y = 3y

z = 2z

(−2x+3y+2z)= (−2x)2+(3y)2+(2z)2+(2×−2x×3y)+(2×3y×2z)+(2×2z×−2x)

= 4x2+9y2+4z2–12xy+12yz–8xz

(iv) (3a –7b–c)2


Using identity (x+y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

Here, x = 3a

y = – 7b

z = – c

(3a –7b– c)= (3a)2+(– 7b)2+(– c)2+(2×3a ×– 7b)+(2×– 7b ×– c)+(2×– c ×3a)

= 9a2 + 49b+ c2– 42ab+14bc–6ca

(v) (–2x+5y–3z)2


Using identity, (x+y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

Here, x = –2x

y = 5y

z = – 3z

(–2x+5y–3z)= (–2x)2+(5y)2+(–3z)2+(2×–2x × 5y)+(2× 5y×– 3z)+(2×–3z ×–2x)

= 4x2+25y+9z2– 20xy–30yz+12zx

(vi) ((1/4)a-(1/2)b+1)2


Using identity, (x+y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

Here, x = (1/4)a

y = (-1/2)b

z = 1

5. Factorize:

(i) 4x2+9y2+16z2+12xy–24yz–16xz

(ii ) 2x2+y2+8z2–2√2xy+4√2yz–8xz


(i) 4x2+9y2+16z2+12xy–24yz–16xz

Using identity, (x+y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

We can say that, x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx = (x+y+z)2

4x2+9y2+16z2+12xy–24yz–16xz = (2x)2+(3y)2+(−4z)2+(2×2x×3y)+(2×3y×−4z)+(2×−4z×2x)

= (2x+3y–4z)2

= (2x+3y–4z)(2x+3y–4z)

(ii) 2x2+y2+8z2–2√2xy+4√2yz–8xz

Using identity, (x +y+z)2 = x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx

We can say that, x2+y2+z2+2xy+2yz+2zx = (x+y+z)2


= (-√2x)2+(y)2+(2√2z)2+(2×-√2x×y)+(2×y×2√2z)+(2×2√2×−√2x)

= (−√2x+y+2√2z)2

= (−√2x+y+2√2z)(−√2x+y+2√2z)

6. Write the following cubes in expanded form:

(i) (2x+1)3

(ii) (2a−3b)3

(iii) ((3/2)x+1)3

(iv) (x−(2/3)y)3


(i) (2x+1)3

Using identity,(x+y)3 = x3+y3+3xy(x+y)

(2x+1)3= (2x)3+13+(3×2x×1)(2x+1)

= 8x3+1+6x(2x+1)

= 8x3+12x2+6x+1

(ii) (2a−3b)3

Using identity,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)

(2a−3b)= (2a)3−(3b)3–(3×2a×3b)(2a–3b)

= 8a3–27b3–18ab(2a–3b)

= 8a3–27b3–36a2b+54ab2

(iii) ((3/2)x+1)3

Using identity,(x+y)3 = x3+y3+3xy(x+y)

((3/2)x+1)3=((3/2)x)3+13+(3×(3/2)x×1)((3/2)x +1)

(iv)  (x−(2/3)y)3

Using identity, (x –y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)

(iv)  (x−(2/3)y)3

Using identity, (x –y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)

7. Evaluate the following using suitable identities: 

(i) (99)3

(ii) (102)3

(iii) (998)3


(i) (99)3


We can write 99 as 100–1

Using identity, (x –y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)

(99)= (100–1)3

= (100)3–13–(3×100×1)(100–1)

= 1000000 –1–300(100 – 1)

= 1000000–1–30000+300

= 970299

(ii) (102)3


We can write 102 as 100+2

Using identity,(x+y)3 = x3+y3+3xy(x+y)


= 1000000 + 8 + 600(100 + 2)

= 1000000 + 8 + 60000 + 1200

= 1061208

(iii) (998)3


We can write 99 as 1000–2

Using identity,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)

Using identity,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)



= 1000000000–8–6000(1000– 2)

= 1000000000–8- 6000000+12000

= 994011992

8. Factorise each of the following:

(i) 8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2

(ii) 8a3–b3–12a2b+6ab2

(iii) 27–125a3–135a +225a2   

(iv) 64a3–27b3–144a2b+108ab2

(v) 27p3–(1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p


(i) 8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2


The expression, 8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2 can be written as (2a)3+b3+3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab= (2a)3+b3+3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

= (2a+b)3

= (2a+b)(2a+b)(2a+b)

Here, the identity, (x +y)3 = x3+y3+3xy(x+y) is used.


(ii) 8a3–b3–12a2b+6ab2


The expression, 8a3–b3−12a2b+6ab2 can be written as (2a)3–b3–3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

8a3–b3−12a2b+6ab= (2a)3–b3–3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

= (2a–b)3

= (2a–b)(2a–b)(2a–b)

Here, the identity,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y) is used.


(iii) 27–125a3–135a+225a2 


The expression, 27–125a3–135a +225a2 can be written as 33–(5a)3–3(3)2(5a)+3(3)(5a)2


= (3–5a)3

= (3–5a)(3–5a)(3–5a)

Here, the identity, (x–y)3 = x3–y3-3xy(x–y) is used.

(iv) 64a3–27b3–144a2b+108ab2


The expression, 64a3–27b3–144a2b+108ab2can be written as (4a)3–(3b)3–3(4a)2(3b)+3(4a)(3b)2




Here, the identity, (x – y)3 = x3 – y3 – 3xy(x – y) is used.

(v) 7p3– (1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p


The expression, 27p3–(1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p

can be written as (3p)3–(1/6)3–3(3p)2(1/6)+3(3p)(1/6)2

27p3–(1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p =

= (3p–16)3

= (3p–16)(3p–16)(3p–16)

9. Verify:

(i) x3+y= (x+y)(x2–xy+y2)

(ii) x3–y= (x–y)(x2+xy+y2)


(i) x3+y= (x+y)(x2–xy+y2)

We know that, (x+y)3 = x3+y3+3xy(x+y)

⇒ x3+y= (x+y)3–3xy(x+y)

⇒ x3+y= (x+y)[(x+y)2–3xy]

Taking (x+y) common ⇒ x3+y= (x+y)[(x2+y2+2xy)–3xy]

⇒ x3+y= (x+y)(x2+y2–xy)

(ii) x3–y= (x–y)(x2+xy+y2

We know that,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)

⇒ x3−y= (x–y)3+3xy(x–y)

⇒ x3−y= (x–y)[(x–y)2+3xy]

Taking (x+y) common ⇒ x3−y= (x–y)[(x2+y2–2xy)+3xy]

⇒ x3+y= (x–y)(x2+y2+xy)

10. Factorize each of the following:

(i) 27y3+125z3

(ii) 64m3–343n3


(i) 27y3+125z3

The expression, 27y3+125zcan be written as (3y)3+(5z)3

27y3+125z= (3y)3+(5z)3

We know that, x3+y= (x+y)(x2–xy+y2)

27y3+125z= (3y)3+(5z)3

= (3y+5z)[(3y)2–(3y)(5z)+(5z)2]

= (3y+5z)(9y2–15yz+25z2)

(ii) 64m3–343n3

The expression, 64m3–343n3can be written as (4m)3–(7n)3


We know that, x3–y= (x–y)(x2+xy+y2)

64m3–343n= (4m)3–(7n)3

= (4m-7n)[(4m)2+(4m)(7n)+(7n)2]

= (4m-7n)(16m2+28mn+49n2)

11. Factorise: 27x3+y3+z3–9xyz 


The expression27x3+y3+z3–9xyz can be written as (3x)3+y3+z3–3(3x)(y)(z)

27x3+y3+z3–9xyz  = (3x)3+y3+z3–3(3x)(y)(z)

We know that, x3+y3+z3–3xyz = (x+y+z)(x2+y2+z2–xy –yz–zx)

27x3+y3+z3–9xyz  = (3x)3+y3+z3–3(3x)(y)(z)

= (3x+y+z)[(3x)2+y2+z2–3xy–yz–3xz]

= (3x+y+z)(9x2+y2+z2–3xy–yz–3xz)

12. Verify that:

x3+y3+z3–3xyz = (1/2) (x+y+z)[(x–y)2+(y–z)2+(z–x)2]


We know that,

x3+y3+z3−3xyz = (x+y+z)(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)

⇒ x3+y3+z3–3xyz = (1/2)(x+y+z)[2(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)]

= (1/2)(x+y+z)(2x2+2y2+2z2–2xy–2yz–2xz)

= (1/2)(x+y+z)[(x2+y2−2xy)+(y2+z2–2yz)+(x2+z2–2xz)]

= (1/2)(x+y+z)[(x–y)2+(y–z)2+(z–x)2]

13. If  x+y+z = 0, show that x3+y3+z= 3xyz.


We know that,

x3+y3+z3-3xyz = (x +y+z)(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)

Now, according to the question, let (x+y+z) = 0,

then, x3+y3+z-3xyz = (0)(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)

⇒ x3+y3+z3–3xyz = 0

⇒ x3+y3+z= 3xyz

Hence Proved

14. Without actually calculating the cubes, find the value of each of the following:

(i) (−12)3+(7)3+(5)3

(ii) (28)3+(−15)3+(−13)3


(i) (−12)3+(7)3+(5)3

Let a = −12

b = 7

c = 5

We know that if x+y+z = 0, then x3+y3+z3=3xyz.

Here, −12+7+5=0

(−12)3+(7)3+(5)= 3xyz

= 3×-12×7×5

= -1260

(ii) (28)3+(−15)3+(−13)3



Let a = 28

b = −15

c = −13

We know that if x+y+z = 0, then x3+y3+z= 3xyz.

Here, x+y+z = 28–15–13 = 0

(28)3+(−15)3+(−13)= 3xyz

= 0+3(28)(−15)(−13)

= 16380

15. Give possible expressions for the length and breadth of each of the following rectangles, in which their areas are given: 

(i) Area : 25a2–35a+12

(ii) Area : 35y2+13y–12


(i) Area : 25a2–35a+12

Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = -35 and product =25×12=300

We get -15 and -20 as the numbers [-15+-20=-35 and -15×-20=300]

25a2–35a+12 = 25a2–15a−20a+12

= 5a(5a–3)–4(5a–3)

= (5a–4)(5a–3)

Possible expression for length  = 5a–4

Possible expression for breadth  = 5a –3

(ii) Area : 35y2+13y–12

Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = 13 and product = 35×-12 = 420

We get -15 and 28 as the numbers [-15+28 = 13 and -15×28=420]

35y2+13y–12 = 35y2–15y+28y–12

= 5y(7y–3)+4(7y–3)

= (5y+4)(7y–3)

Possible expression for length  = (5y+4)

Possible expression for breadth  = (7y–3)
= (5y+4)(7y–3)

Possible expression for length  = (5y+4)

Possible expression for breadth  = (7y–3)

16. What are the possible expressions for the dimensions of the cuboids whose volumes are given below? 

(i) Volume : 3x2–12x

(ii) Volume : 12ky2+8ky–20k


(i) Volume : 3x2–12x

3x2–12x can be written as 3x(x–4) by taking 3x out of both the terms.

Possible expression for length = 3

Possible expression for breadth = x

Possible expression for height = (x–4)

(ii) Volume:

12ky2+8ky–20k can be written as 4k(3y2+2y–5) by taking 4k out of both the terms.

12ky2+8ky–20k = 4k(3y2+2y–5)

[Here, 3y2+2y–5 can be written as 3y2+5y–3y–5 using splitting the middle term method.]

= 4k(3y2+5y–3y–5)

= 4k[y(3y+5)–1(3y+5)]

= 4k(3y+5)(y–1)

Possible expression for length = 4k

Possible expression for breadth = (3y +5)

Possible expression for height = (y -1)

Using identity,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)



= 1000000000–8–6000(1000– 2)

= 1000000000–8- 6000000+12000

= 994011992

8. Factorise each of the following:

(i) 8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2

(ii) 8a3–b3–12a2b+6ab2

(iii) 27–125a3–135a +225a2   

(iv) 64a3–27b3–144a2b+108ab2

(v) 27p3–(1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p


(i) 8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2


The expression, 8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab2 can be written as (2a)3+b3+3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

8a3+b3+12a2b+6ab= (2a)3+b3+3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

= (2a+b)3

= (2a+b)(2a+b)(2a+b)

Here, the identity, (x +y)3 = x3+y3+3xy(x+y) is used.


(ii) 8a3–b3–12a2b+6ab2


The expression, 8a3–b3−12a2b+6ab2 can be written as (2a)3–b3–3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

8a3–b3−12a2b+6ab= (2a)3–b3–3(2a)2b+3(2a)(b)2

= (2a–b)3

= (2a–b)(2a–b)(2a–b)

Here, the identity,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y) is used.


(iii) 27–125a3–135a+225a2 


The expression, 27–125a3–135a +225a2 can be written as 33–(5a)3–3(3)2(5a)+3(3)(5a)2


= (3–5a)3

= (3–5a)(3–5a)(3–5a)

Here, the identity, (x–y)3 = x3–y3-3xy(x–y) is used.

(iv) 64a3–27b3–144a2b+108ab2


The expression, 64a3–27b3–144a2b+108ab2can be written as (4a)3–(3b)3–3(4a)2(3b)+3(4a)(3b)2




Here, the identity, (x – y)3 = x3 – y3 – 3xy(x – y) is used.

(v) 7p3– (1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p


The expression, 27p3–(1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p

can be written as (3p)3–(1/6)3–3(3p)2(1/6)+3(3p)(1/6)2

27p3–(1/216)−(9/2) p2+(1/4)p =

= (3p–16)3

= (3p–16)(3p–16)(3p–16)

9. Verify:

(i) x3+y= (x+y)(x2–xy+y2)

(ii) x3–y= (x–y)(x2+xy+y2)


(i) x3+y= (x+y)(x2–xy+y2)

We know that, (x+y)3 = x3+y3+3xy(x+y)

⇒ x3+y= (x+y)3–3xy(x+y)

⇒ x3+y= (x+y)[(x+y)2–3xy]

Taking (x+y) common ⇒ x3+y= (x+y)[(x2+y2+2xy)–3xy]

⇒ x3+y= (x+y)(x2+y2–xy)

(ii) x3–y= (x–y)(x2+xy+y2

We know that,(x–y)3 = x3–y3–3xy(x–y)

⇒ x3−y= (x–y)3+3xy(x–y)

⇒ x3−y= (x–y)[(x–y)2+3xy]

Taking (x+y) common ⇒ x3−y= (x–y)[(x2+y2–2xy)+3xy]

⇒ x3+y= (x–y)(x2+y2+xy)

10. Factorize each of the following:

(i) 27y3+125z3

(ii) 64m3–343n3


(i) 27y3+125z3

The expression, 27y3+125zcan be written as (3y)3+(5z)3

27y3+125z= (3y)3+(5z)3

We know that, x3+y= (x+y)(x2–xy+y2)

27y3+125z= (3y)3+(5z)3

= (3y+5z)[(3y)2–(3y)(5z)+(5z)2]

= (3y+5z)(9y2–15yz+25z2)

(ii) 64m3–343n3

The expression, 64m3–343n3can be written as (4m)3–(7n)3


We know that, x3–y= (x–y)(x2+xy+y2)

64m3–343n= (4m)3–(7n)3

= (4m-7n)[(4m)2+(4m)(7n)+(7n)2]

= (4m-7n)(16m2+28mn+49n2)

11. Factorise: 27x3+y3+z3–9xyz 


The expression27x3+y3+z3–9xyz can be written as (3x)3+y3+z3–3(3x)(y)(z)

27x3+y3+z3–9xyz  = (3x)3+y3+z3–3(3x)(y)(z)

We know that, x3+y3+z3–3xyz = (x+y+z)(x2+y2+z2–xy –yz–zx)

27x3+y3+z3–9xyz  = (3x)3+y3+z3–3(3x)(y)(z)

= (3x+y+z)[(3x)2+y2+z2–3xy–yz–3xz]

= (3x+y+z)(9x2+y2+z2–3xy–yz–3xz)

12. Verify that:

x3+y3+z3–3xyz = (1/2) (x+y+z)[(x–y)2+(y–z)2+(z–x)2]


We know that,

x3+y3+z3−3xyz = (x+y+z)(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)

⇒ x3+y3+z3–3xyz = (1/2)(x+y+z)[2(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)]

= (1/2)(x+y+z)(2x2+2y2+2z2–2xy–2yz–2xz)

= (1/2)(x+y+z)[(x2+y2−2xy)+(y2+z2–2yz)+(x2+z2–2xz)]

= (1/2)(x+y+z)[(x–y)2+(y–z)2+(z–x)2]

13. If  x+y+z = 0, show that x3+y3+z= 3xyz.


We know that,

x3+y3+z3-3xyz = (x +y+z)(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)

Now, according to the question, let (x+y+z) = 0,

then, x3+y3+z-3xyz = (0)(x2+y2+z2–xy–yz–xz)

⇒ x3+y3+z3–3xyz = 0

⇒ x3+y3+z= 3xyz

Hence Proved

14. Without actually calculating the cubes, find the value of each of the following:

(i) (−12)3+(7)3+(5)3

(ii) (28)3+(−15)3+(−13)3


(i) (−12)3+(7)3+(5)3

Let a = −12

b = 7

c = 5

We know that if x+y+z = 0, then x3+y3+z3=3xyz.

Here, −12+7+5=0

(−12)3+(7)3+(5)= 3xyz

= 3×-12×7×5

= -1260

(ii) (28)3+(−15)3+(−13)3



Let a = 28

b = −15

c = −13

We know that if x+y+z = 0, then x3+y3+z= 3xyz.

Here, x+y+z = 28–15–13 = 0

(28)3+(−15)3+(−13)= 3xyz

= 0+3(28)(−15)(−13)

= 16380

15. Give possible expressions for the length and breadth of each of the following rectangles, in which their areas are given: 

(i) Area : 25a2–35a+12

(ii) Area : 35y2+13y–12


(i) Area : 25a2–35a+12

Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = -35 and product =25×12=300

We get -15 and -20 as the numbers [-15+-20=-35 and -15×-20=300]

25a2–35a+12 = 25a2–15a−20a+12

= 5a(5a–3)–4(5a–3)

= (5a–4)(5a–3)

Possible expression for length  = 5a–4

Possible expression for breadth  = 5a –3

(ii) Area : 35y2+13y–12

Using the splitting the middle term method,

We have to find a number whose sum = 13 and product = 35×-12 = 420

We get -15 and 28 as the numbers [-15+28 = 13 and -15×28=420]

35y2+13y–12 = 35y2–15y+28y–12

= 5y(7y–3)+4(7y–3)

= (5y+4)(7y–3)

Possible expression for length  = (5y+4)

Possible expression for breadth  = (7y–3)
= (5y+4)(7y–3)

Possible expression for length  = (5y+4)

Possible expression for breadth  = (7y–3)

16. What are the possible expressions for the dimensions of the cuboids whose volumes are given below? 

(i) Volume : 3x2–12x

(ii) Volume : 12ky2+8ky–20k


(i) Volume : 3x2–12x

3x2–12x can be written as 3x(x–4) by taking 3x out of both the terms.

Possible expression for length = 3

Possible expression for breadth = x

Possible expression for height = (x–4)

(ii) Volume:

12ky2+8ky–20k can be written as 4k(3y2+2y–5) by taking 4k out of both the terms.

12ky2+8ky–20k = 4k(3y2+2y–5)

[Here, 3y2+2y–5 can be written as 3y2+5y–3y–5 using splitting the middle term method.]

= 4k(3y2+5y–3y–5)

= 4k[y(3y+5)–1(3y+5)]

= 4k(3y+5)(y–1)

Possible expression for length = 4k

Possible expression for breadth = (3y +5)

Possible expression for height = (y -1)



 Time to call 10:00am to 12:00pm